Can you chip in to help Kim restore the American Dream?

Kim George
Conservative Candidate for Arizona’s Congressional District 1

Faith, Family, and a Safe and Secure Future for Every Arizonan.

Kim George is running to represent Arizona’s First Congressional District and restore the American Dream. It’s time for fresh leadership that puts Arizonans first.

In 23 years in Federal Law Enforcement I’ve seen it all.

The good. The bad. And the wonderful.

I’ve seen acts of unthinkable heroism, and others of unimaginable horror.

I’ve seen our government at its best, and at its worst.

Too often, I’ve watched our political leaders shoving us down paths the people have no interest in following. They pit us against one another, to the benefit of nobody but themselves.

Politicians are stealing the American Dream.
I’m running to return it to We the People.

Join Kim’s Team to bring back the American Dream

My promise to you

The United States of America gives each of us the opportunity to aspire to the greatest heights we can possibly imagine. I believe strongly in preserving the ability for anyone to rise above their circumstances and become successful. I will fight tooth and nail to ensure future generations have the same opportunities to grow, improve, and succeed that I did.

I’m a Christian with a servant heart and a biblical philosophy on life. We are all made in the image of God and no one person is above another. Our differences are skin deep and the things that unite us, make up the very core of our shared existence. I will seek to build strength through unity, and never use my position to divide people from each other.

I am a true America First Patriot. I will use the skills developed in a lifetime of investigations and sensitive operations to root out the corruption and bad actors in the DOJ and other federal agencies. I will fight to secure our borders, and ensure your taxpayer dollars are spent on the things that matter to you, not the special interests of the global elite.

I’m passionate about Truth, Integrity, and the Rule of Law. I will do everything in my power to quash the corruption and extreme anti-police and anti-conservative biases that have invaded our judicial system.

We need a new generation of dynamic leaders with real life experience to inspire, motivate and lead from the front. With your support, THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I WILL DO.

Kim's top priority is a comprehensive national security agenda

See where Kim stands on the issues

It’s time for fresh leadership that puts Arizonans first. Will you contribute to help Kim make that dream a reality?